Saturday, August 16, 2008

An American Swimmer Inspires Me

Have you been paying attention to this woman? Holy Moley! Dara Torres is an American swimmer (why I hadn't noticed her before this morning). She's the oldest woman competing in the Olympics. What an inspiration, especially considering how young this field is.

There isn't an age limit on any of the changes we want to make in our lives. Don't say you would do something if you only x years younger. I call your B.S. and tell you to just do it!

I was actually in tears this morning while I was watching the news reports posted above. I was so scared when I first hit my med school class last year, afraid of what they would think of me as so much older than them. Listening to what Phelps said about Torres (mom) made me think that he was being a bit immature. It's so much easier to slough off comments made about Dara than they are about me. What a great lesson. Someone in the class called me Mom once this year b/c I was giving him a hard time when he came to my house (pardon me if I want my kitchen left in one piece). I snapped. I too would prefer to be thought of as an older sister - it makes sense to me since my little brothers are the same age as the class. Either way, I hope I can remember how proud I feel right now of going into med school at my age.

In an unrelated topic, profs/administration/tutors need to back off students. Either they're creeping our Facebook, or complaining that we don't get to class often enough, or bitching about our work ethic. It makes me absolutely crazy. I spent a significant amount of time and energy this week trying to calm down the teachers in the course I'm helping develop - it's ridiculous.

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