Thursday, March 13, 2014

That moment when

I finally find out I'm not the only new doc who feels in over their head and like I've made the biggest mistake ever. 

And as a result finds wine extra tasty. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


There's money in my bank account. It's been there for more than a month. It's ridiculously confusing. And delightful. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

That moment when

The drunk guy's face looks better after you've finished suturing it up than it did before he, um, walked into the middle of a fight. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

That moment when

I choose a bowl of cereal over a Blue Menu microwave meal because the microwave dinner takes too much effort. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The root of my discomfort

I've been pretty uncomfortable with my practice for a few months. I keep being told it's normal and it will get better in a few years, but I'm seriously having a hard time getting to work some days. 

After talking it out with my VERY patient partner, I think that my unease comes from more patients than time. He asked what would make life better for me right now. Some things are fairly easy like a housekeeper to deal with my dirty socks and ring around the tub. 

But the big answer was a month off with a locum covering my practice so I could make care plans for my patients. Some of them have diseases I've never heard of. How can I possibly feel comfortable treating them??

I guess that's where the extra years in practice comes in?