Sunday, July 20, 2008

Another Pointless Post

I'll update on my elective experiences soon. Well, soonish. Until there, here's a baby moose playing in a sprinkler.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Apparently I would Fail as a 30's Wife

Quelle suprise.


As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Poor (Failure)

Take the test!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Bone Tired

I get that a lot of docs feel a strong need to let lesser people (aka nurses, med students, patients) know that they are not as worthy of oxygen as they are. It's absolutely exhausting though. I was yelled at by a surgeon the other day, in front of the patient and his family, which was humiliating for me and uncomfortable for them. I can appreciate that she was having a rough day and knows a million more things than I do, but it's hard to remember that when I'm too busy looking for a hole to crawl into.

I can't wait for clerkship when I have to deal with this all the time. Yay.