Thursday, September 15, 2011

OMG it's white coat black arts guy!!

So cool. Rubber chicken dinner number one as a doc.

He's much shorter than I expected.

Pearls of wisdom: plan your career from the top down. If your AAA is 3 cm, watch. At 5cm operate. When it's 9cm, panic. Emergency medicine is completely part time. Put your 10 000 hours in to what you love. For him, medicine and writing. Good things happen to those who wait. A Bic pen, swallowed by a kookie patient,removed under anaesthesia by a gastroscope will still write. Medical mistakes are a big problem; docs need to be able to speak freely about them, not made to feel shame. Docs need to make a connection w the elderly and remember that they have a vibrant history: their family members are important too.

Borderline personality disorder pts can be people w head trauma but erroneously framed by co workers.

He has had drug seekers tell him all their trade secrets.

He has slept in for presenting grand rounds. He changed his residency program half way through first year. He took courses on how to write during his residency. He hand wrote his first article and his mother typed it.

He started emergency medicine as a fluke because he could moonlight and write.

He's so my hero. I'm such a nerd.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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