Sunday, July 15, 2007

Don't mess with my coffee

Among my list of things to finish this summer before starting meds in the fall is a round of vaccinations, blood tests and titres. This week I had 4 titres read to see if I need the vaccination/booster or not, 1 vaccination, one booster and a TB skin test. Ow.

As I was leaving the office, the nurse told me that I couldn't drink coffee for the rest of the day. What?? That wasn't in the fine print she made me read before signing the papers.

It was her little joke because I had taken so many pin pricks. Ha. Ha.

Flying out of Boston last summer, I was hungover, grumpy and desperately low in caffeine. I picked up a Starbucks latte on my way into the airport and was barely through a couple of sips before I made it into the security line ups. The woman behind the X-ray machine told me I'd have to dump the coffee out, I couldn't bring it with me. I tried to keep myself composed, but clearly she had gotten the reaction she was looking for because she giggled and told me I could keep it. Grrrrrr.

I will not, do not, react well to those who insist on coming between me and my coffee.

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