I've been spending some time trying to look younger. When I go to school in the fall, some of the folks I'll be studying with will be 14 years younger than me. 14 years!!! I went through facebook and removed everything that might tells someone how old I am. I've also been perfecting my "I'm 28" response and using masks and revitalizing night creams. It's pretty ridiculous. I just know how judged I was during my undergrad as a mature student. It took 2 years to make friends, but I only have 2 years in med school to convince these folks that I'm not a creepy old person and I have just as much right to be there as they do. I've been watching the OC and Grey's Anatomy in an attempt to gain some cultural cred/be able to speak in short cuts to my class mates. Do people even watch the Simpson's anymore? I sure hope so, that's where most of my references come from.
I don't want to be lonely in a class full of people who are all tight friends. Is it inevitable?
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