Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A choice is made

I was accepted by a Masters program that I was incredibly excited to attend and had already accepted their offer (it came well before my meds news). I've been sitting on my meds news for over a month but I have just finally sent my decline of their generous offer. It's been worrying me b/c we're broke. Completely stinking broke. At least the Masters would have paid my tuition plus some.

It was also going to be doing something really interesting to me--studying the choices that obese people make and the reasons why despite knowing better they continue to keep making the same choices. I was going to work with the teaching hospital to perform surveys and analyse the data to make recommendations to the government and schools for teaching kids to be healthier. Pretty exciting right?

It was also something I already knew I would be good at.

Enter my good meds news, and all the self doubt it entails.

Today I started the process of letting the folks offering me a masters know that I'm not coming. My heart is still racing. I really feel like I've just jumped off a cliff.

I giant, scary, exciting cliff!

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