Monday, March 5, 2012

Making friends

It's well known that the best way to get cozy with obstetrical nurses is to feed them.
When one of my nurses was a bit grumpy, I bought some candies and left them at her desk. Minutes later they were put on the doctors desk.
I found out later that this nurse was on a strict diet.
Because the best thing I can do to make friends is poke the bear with a pointy stick.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Anonymous said...

You'd be "GRUMPY" also if you were on that "special diet"

the impostor said...

Ya I would!
I'm still in awe she did so well on it. And proud to have got to know her. Beyond impressed!!

the impostor said...

Should also mention I use this nurse (anonymously of course) as an example to many of my patients of what we can do when we lose weight and take control of our own health.