Saturday, October 17, 2015

Pregnancy in Medical School

"Remember people, well except medical students, typically reproduce before the age of 30."
MD, cardiologist
I’ve had this in my drafts for a while. It still pisses me off a bit. Not that it necessarily should, the cardiologist isn’t saying that no med students have kids before 30 but it’s atypical. 
What pisses me off, is that those who recognize that their life starts NOW, not after residency, or fellowship, or any other magical time, and want to have children are treated as wackos by most of our community. I know I rail on about medical culture and why it is not reflective of reality, but I’m going to do it again. This is another example of thinking that we need to change. 
There is research on just about everything that med students do. You’re the easiest population for medical researchers to bug, so they do.
However, I can’t find much research on being a parent in medical school.  This focuses on mothers (wall free article). It’s the only paper I could find (lots for residents by the way, probably because they are also leading a lot of the research). A lot of the young women I’ve spoken with felt they were treated poorly by the fellow students because they were getting “so many” allowances for time. The new dads in my class felt like they were expected to carry on as if there wasn’t a new sprog at home.  
Back to the paper, “Medical School-Mothers” in the Rhode Island Medical Journal. I’ve never heard of this paper, or this journal and I’m pretty damn excited about all things undergrad medical education and feminism. That’s disappointing. (Have you heard of it and I was just under a rock?)
They don’t tell us how many medical students were interviewed. I want to know what several means - is it 4? Is it 34? Help a sister in research out.
They also don’t discuss fathers. I get that women in medicine is new and all, but I want my colleagues to be good dads. I don’t want any of my colleagues to be fondly remembered by their grandchildren because their own children never saw them. 
As part of universal precautions, all female medical students who are sexually active with men should be mindful of potential pregnancy.” BARF. Shouldn’t our male medical colleagues also be mindful? This reminds me of the episode in 2014 where a female medical student was at risk of losing her funding to study in Cuba because she “fell pregnant”, while her XY partner was not reprimanded. BARF I say. IUSs, condoms, and access to family doctors for all med students who want them!!
This article is mostly focused on what Student Affairs type people need to know (which is fantastic). 
What I would like to see is something that talks to many more students to provide curious students with help making decisions, something that gets more into the pros and cons of an educated choice. No one knows when the time is right to have children. Everyone has an opinion on it though. 
I’d also like to see a nation wide mentorship program - to be paired with an attending, hopefully in your chosen field, who also was a parent in med school. Knowing you have someone who has been there and survived. 
I’d like a handbook for parents in med school. Tips tricks and downfalls to avoid. I’d like this to be an open topic of discussion that starts in Year one. I want the parental leave policy to be pointed out to all students during orientation week. 
I want to know how much post partum depression and anxiety are present in the learners having children. We are all pretty crappy at taking care of our mental health, and how many of us have med studentitis? (Pregnant med studentitis is like that on freaking crack - everything that could possibly go wrong, will and you will blame yourself, even though you would tell your patients to think better of themselves. My friend had 10/10 stress through the last 4 months of her pregnancy. Uncool.) 
I want there to be scheduled check ins with Student Affairs during pregnancy and post partum to ensure this isn’t an issue. My suspicion is that the numbers of sufferers in the medical community are high. 
I want to get rid of the shame associated with wanting to be a good parent when you are ready to be one. Seriously. If we don’t stop acting like families in medicine are bizarre while we’re in first year medical school, how can we expect attendings to respect their colleagues and learners’ choices?
One of my colleagues is pregnant. I’m over the moon for her and her MD husband. The amount of stress they underwent preparing to tell the rest of the team about the (wanted, expected) pregnancy was overwhelming to ME. I’m not having a baby. Jeepers. They felt they needed to make it very clear that they do not want to stop practicing for more than 2 months each (like it’s not bad enough that they don’t get parental leave from our governing body). They were shamed into divulging the information much sooner than they wanted due to morning sickness. Our colleagues (all XY but me), have children with stay at home moms and incredibly twisted senses of what parenthood should look like with a physician parent. 
This has got to stop guys. We need to treat each other better and watch each others’ backs. 
What would you add to my list to make it happen?

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