Sunday, December 22, 2013

All I need to know about being a doctor I learned from Buffy

1. We all need friends. Even when we're called, chosen if you will, to enter the medical profession. Probably even more so. We need our Scoobie gang, the people who will keep us grounded, take us toboganning, help us get drunk and dish about sex. Our cheerleaders who make us feel invincible when we need it.

2. Keep your head when everyone is losing theirs. It's up to me to have a plan of attack. I need to slay the demons run the code, even if it's on my friend and neighbour. Even if it's the vampire man I love.

3. Magic and medicine don't mix. Follow evidence based practice, accept no substitutes.

4. Always carry a beeper in case the apocalypse comes. That's fairly '90s though isn't it. Now I make sure that my cell phone is charged and the ringer is on. My colleagues may need help at the hospital, my nurses may have questions about patients. Unless I'm post call, I need my beauty sleep.

5. Get your beauty sleep or you get cranky.

6. Love makes you do the wacky. If you love your patients, you won't have perspective. I'm not saying don't continue to love them, just be aware your brain is wacky.

7. Be confident, even when you're not, or you your patient may get dead.

8. Plan ahead like the good slayer. Faith went dark without a plan. Docs without a plan, without friends, who don't listen will also go to the dark side. They become TOO confident and patients die then too.

9. Wear lipgloss.

10. While not everyone will notice what I am doing, treading like mad under the surface, saving lives, when they do they can be quite gracious. And sometimes will give you a toy surprise.

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