Thursday, January 13, 2011

OSCE tonight

It seems so unfair. We've gotten this far, I know how to use a stethoscope. It makes me think they want to make sure we don't really screw up.

What I should not do if I want to past my OSCE tonight:
call my female patients sir
put my stethoscope on backwards
forget to wash my hands
call any patient sweet heart or dear
ask the Pt to remove their underpants to do a head and neck exam
use my reflex hammer to accentuate all points I make
sneeze in my patients' face
say "whoa, that ain't right" loudly when looking at a patient's belly
suggest pregnancy be on the differential during the geriatric station
forget to ask for the vitals
wear jeans and a t-shirt
tell the patient they're wrong
forget to FIFE

maybe I'll pass after all...

Posted by ShoZu

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