Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sexism in Clerkship

I’m going to point out that frequently during your clerkship, you will experience sexism. Sometimes these moments will be not too bad, a patient thinking you’re a nurse (are you kidding? I wish I knew that much in clerkship!)

Most times, it will be subtle. It will be everyone ignoring the suggestions made by the female clerk. It will be judging her outfit or flirting with anyone. It will be interrupting her, presenting her ideas as their own. It happens. It becomes common. Everyone will act like this is just how it is. Your job, male or female, is to make sure this is no longer common. Your job is to make sure that clerk feels supported. This is your team, you all need to be strong.

Here’s how to do it without waving a flag and making everyone on the team afraid of you.

When she is interrupted or ignored, wait until the interrupter is finished speaking, then say “I think that Meredith was making a good point, did everyone get to hear it?” When derogatory comments are made, ignore them and change the topic to whichever patient was being discussed prior to the comment. If someone is presenting Meredith’s ideas as their own, be subtle, this one is tricky. Something along the lines of “It’s a great idea, I thought as much when Meredith said it this morning at rounds. Maybe you two should work on it together!”

Everyone on your clerkship team deserves to feel supported. Everyone deserves to be able to show what they know and learn. When your colleagues thrive they bring you with them.

Be the colleague you want to have.

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