Monday, July 4, 2011

Still waiting on my CPSO number

So more beer and games.

I dropped off the documents the college "lost" and went into the office to get to know our EMR system a bit better.

I'll be going over the academic program tomorrow morning so I have a clue about what to expect while I wait for my number to appear on the web and let me start seeing patients.

I miss patients.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

Can I ask what board game that is? I play settlers of catan a lot and am looking for a new board game..

the impostor said...

This one is Carcassone.
You can play with 2-4 people and it has a few expansion packs. I love it. The goal is to get as many points as you can by placing your people on roads, fields, cities etc. and by pushing other people away from being able to finish their structures.

The one previous was Master Labrynth. It also rocks. The board changes as you choose with each move as you try to pick up the "spell ingredients" in order. Also can be played with 2 or more people.

It's hard to get enough people to get together to play Catan so having these 2 player games is nice.