Friday, February 18, 2011

Wanna Wanna Sweetie!!

I'm back to classes now in preparation for taking the MCCQE. There is an enormous amount of information we should have ready to complete the exam successfully. It's a bit terrifying to read through some of the objectives that I should have at my fingertips.

The fact that I've made it so close to the end of my medical school degree and feel this unprepared for the exam is unsettling. This is when the imposter portion of my brain kicks in and tries to keep me from focusing. One of the problems with reviewing for this exam is that you have many many options. There are books, including the Toronto Notes and the "purple book". There is a large number of US books too - USMLE Step 2 - and flash cards. I have so many books that can be useful already on my shelves too. Our class has also arranged review classes two nights a week. We have a large number of old exams that I can review.

There's a character that Terry Pratchett wrote, a little boy Wentworth who loves candies. He cries and cries for sweets during the books. Tiffany Aching is his older sister and she describes an episode at Wentworth's birthday where he is surrounded by sweets. He is so overwhelmed with the options that he is unable to begin to eat any of them. Wentworth sits, surrounded by the cakes and candies crying "wanna wanna sweeeetteeee". His mother is only able to squelch the crying by putting a bucket on his head and taking away all but 3 of the options. With the reduced number of options Wentworth is able to happily nibble away.

I need someone to put a bucket on my head.

Or even better, take away my study options.

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