Saturday, May 22, 2010

Point of Care References

This is a review I threw together to help our library decide which electronic resource should be available for the medical school.

UpToDate is my favourite. As far as I'm concerned, it's the gold standard. It is easy to search, has helpful tables and images, links to other useful articles, is updated often, has useful medication information.

I've compared the following resources to UpToDate based on the following 3 searches.
1. radiotherapy (a general skill)
2. paraneoplastic syndrome (a general medical condition with many causes)
3. bladder cancer (a specific disease)
Pretty obvious I put this together during my oncology rotation right?

ease of finding material: I liked that it had an alphabetic browser
did it have what I wanted?: radiation therapy and paraneoplastic syndrome were marked 'work in progress'; bladder cancer was there
therapy: decent description, appreciated the links to medications
ddx?: no
description provided: brief
does it quote evidence?: yes
ease of use: 7/10
overall score: 5/10

Harrison's Online Textbook:
ease of finding material: all 3 were easily found with search and browse
therapy: yes
ddx: yes
description provided: lengthy
quoted evidence?: no
ease of
overall score: 8/10

PCP Pier:
ease of finding material: good for specific diseases but bad for general conditions
did it have what I wanted: maybe, was difficult to find radiation therapy (general)
therapy: yes
ddx: yes
description: point form
quoted evidence?: yes
ease of finding use: 7/10
overall score: 7/10, I liked it for the specificity it gave with the disease but it was useless with general topics. Maybe this plus Harrison's would be a useful combination.

Essential Evidence Plus:
ease of finding material: liked the refining guidelines provided
did it have what I wanted?: yes, but not always available in one place
therapy: yes
ddx: not explicitly
description: point form
quoted evidence?: yes with the level of evidence (great!)
ease of use: 6/10
overall score: 7/10, I liked the way the evidence is presented but feel it would take a very long time to gather enough information to do a presentation on any given topic

Clinical Evidence (BMJ):
ease of finding material: good if you want something that the BMJ has published
did it have what I wanted?: no, but lots of other good stuff
ddx:not obviously
charts and point form
quoted evidence?:
ease of use: 9/10 when browsing, 6/10 when looking for something specific
overall score: 7/10, not sure I'd actually use this resource

MD Consult
ease of finding material: OK to find material, difficult to find material at my level though; overview is not bad
did it have what I wanted?: yes, but not all in one place
therapy: yes
lengthy and often summarized
quoted evidence?:some
ease of use: 7/10
overall score: 8/10, I like that the information is laid out by subtitle on the beginning page (overview vs. signs and symptoms)

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