Tuesday, March 16, 2010


One thing that doesn't seem to get enough attention in the first few years of med school is how much responsibility everyone will lay on you as you progress through the years. We keep hearing about how hard it will be once we hit practise and the importance of learning how to organize our time and our personal resources. Even though I'm on my spring break, I'm having panic attacks daily because I have a crap load of things that need to be done. 15 chapters. 3 ethics proposals for 3 research projects. One other research project write up. Sort out my electives for 4th year. Put together 2 scholarship applications, one for me, one for a friend. Write a letter of reference for an administrator at school. Separate projects for educators. It's positively terrifying.

I still love clerkship, but could seriously use some help. Maybe just another glass of wine.

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