Sunday, May 10, 2009

Don't throw stones

We're coming up to our last week of psych. It has been a relaxing block so far. I was able to get through one week of notes in an afternoon. That never happens for me. I've spent an afternoon on 3 renal lectures.

This is when MedStudent-itis has shown up. I have gone through notes diagnosing my classmates, my family, my partner, my past partners and me. It's shocking how much mental illness there is near me.

This block has been eye opening as far as how my classmates view mental illness. It's clear that the stigma attached to it is alive an well in our ranks. I hope to continue to advocate for those with mental illness.

During our CBL session last week, I made a comment to the effect that patients who don't take their meds are much less likely to get my sympathy than those who do. I was shot down by the other members of my group. I can't remember what their argument was, I'm sure it was brilliant.

What I did think about for a while after was that I am just as guilty of not taking care of myself. Despite counselling patients and family to eat well, I still eat donuts, drink too much coffee. I haven't been to the gym in a couple of months.

I was comfortable throwing stones in this glass house of mine. And very glad I've recognized yet another prejudice I hold.

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