Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Studying while doing the dishes

Wrapping up 4 years of medicine is busy. Every time I turn around, there's something else that needs to be done, someone that requires a document that I had in first year, somewhere I need to be.

I've been listening to pod casts of med review while doing household tasks and driving. So much easier than that pesky reading.

Pedcases and Surgery 101 are through U of A in Edmonton. MedPod is fun as well, if rather racist at times. They were helpful in clerkship and I'm enjoying them now. I remember bits of the dialogue when I'm trying to remember facts.

All the podcasts have material on their sites that can be useful for studying. Pedcases in particular has quite a few cases to learn from.

Worth checking out. And makes it possible to study while doing housework. Because that's fun.

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