Sunday, February 3, 2008

Shoulda' bought shares in Starbucks

We bit the bullet and bought me a car. I think it's about time since it was taking an extra-ordinary amount of time to take the bus to school and every person who comes to visit my home feels they've left the county. But I think they may be slightly exaggerating.

The car has been lovely, I can make it to meetings and observerships without any worries. I can stay late at night and study with my colleagues. I can get tasty Starbucks whenever I like.

Have I defined observership yet? Partner o'mine hates it when I use words he doesn't understand. An observership is when a kind doc lets me come and watch what he/she does. These are usually a few hours long, and aren't repeated unless I'm very lucky. I've seen an osteoporosis clinic, a rehab ward in a hospital and an outreach program between a psychiatrist and community GPs. Pretty cool.

But about this car. It means that I'm suddenly spending a lot of money on gas (well, not a lot I guess relatively speaking since it's such a tiny car), but it's not cheap. Plus there's insurance and maintenance etc, and my sudden car induced craving for Starbucks.

I'm pretty sure that where ever I decide to practise, there needs to be a Starbucks nearby.

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